Dr Arruni  Kandasamy Bytes Dental Ballina Ballina

Dr Arruni Kandasamy

BOH, DMD (Syd), General Dentist

Dr Arruni Kandasamy is a female General Dentist.

Dr Arruni Kandasamy completed her Doctor of Dental Medicine and Bachelor of Oral Health degrees from the Univesity of Sydney, where she was also a recipient of the Professor Noel Martin Memorial Prize in Research.

Arruni has extensive experience in private practice and government hospitals in rural and regional NSW including Dubbo, Bryon Bay, Ballina, Lismore and Casino. She currently works part-time at the Special Needs and Oral Medicine department at Westmead Hospital and as a casual Academic for the University of Sydney.

She has a keen interest in general dentistry in medically compromised and anxious patients. Her main focus is prevention and education to help patients feel empowered with regards to their oral and general health.